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Промышленный еженедельник
№31(978) 7-13 октября 2024

(новый номер каждую неделю)
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Специальные проекты:
Социальные проекты:

The New Post-Covid19 World

The New Silk Road: a new dialogue between East and West in the context of global economic recovery

Alla Ramilova,
PhD, Managing Director Swiss Association “Alpine Arena for Friendship”,
Coordinator SRG PA OSCE conference in Switzerland

The crisis faced by the world community and painfully reflected in the world’s economy has no historical analogy. Its main characteristics are the scale of the virus’ spread and its unpredictability, as well as the unprecedented protective measures that most countries have come to adopt. Overcoming the current crisis and prevent similar future crises will obviously also require unconventional political and economic decisions, and - most importantly - a change in paradigms of behavior and relations in all spheres of human activity. This difficult path to change will hardly possible without an exchange of views and discussion both on the specific managerial and expert levels as well as in a broader context. To facilitate this discussion, we launch the information and communication platform "The New Post-Covid19 World" where politicians, managers and experts are invited to share solutions to all aspects of the crisis and to create more harmonious and human-centered international relations.

A virus that exposed problems

The need for global coordination was recognized at the very beginning of the outbreak of this pandemic that has affected almost all countries. In light of the ease and speed with which the virus spread in a globalized space, many experts asked themselves a crucial question: what if, instead of the coronavirus, its equivalent with a far more critical mortality would spread? What tragic consequences could this have for the whole world?!

The main historical example is the Spanish flu that broke out in 1918. The epidemic lasted 18 months and withered out for natural reasons. According to various estimates, between 40 and 50 million people died from the disease and around 500 to 550 million were infected. These numbers are considerable in spite the fact that at the beginning of the last century mankind lived in a far less globalized and interconnected space.

To curb the spread of the epidemic, most countries have introduced unprecedented restrictive measures that have affected the economic and social aspects of society. Researchers at the University of Oxford's Blavatnik School of Management are collecting data on restrictive measures online to calculate the Coronovirus Security Index (COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index). The index is calculated on the basis of various criteria: closure of educational institutions, offices, public transport, cancellation of mass events, restriction of movement in the country and abroad, the level of testing coverage and more. The final value of the index can vary from 0 to 100, where 100 indicates the most restrictive set of measures.

For example, using data of April 20, the countries with the most cases, such as France and Spain, scored 100 points on the index. Italy scored 95.24 points, Russia showed 85.71 and the USA was awarded 76.19 points. When considering the changes in imposed restrictions, China, for example, scored 71.43 points on the 31st of January and 47.62 points by the end of April.

This research will allow for the creation of a global database of governmental restrictive measures for containing virus outbreaks, making it possible to analyze their effectiveness in the future and to develop mechanisms for their implementation and for mitigation of economic and social consequences of such outbreaks.

When discussing the nature and size of the epidemic in Europe, the EU Commissioner Internal Market, Thierry Breton, noted that not one of the EU countries had been prepared for the development of the outbreak. Virtually every state found itself short of protective masks, respiratory machines, disinfectant, hospital beds and trained medical personnel. In addition to the sanitary and epidemiological aspects, the current crisis has revealed a lack of basic mechanisms for information exchange and coordination. Worse, the common misfortune, which was supposed to become a unifying factor, instead provoked information wars and a geopolitical power struggle.

One of the important questions asked by experts and the public is whether it is possible to create, on the basis of today’s international institutions and established models of inter-state interaction, a universal system of multilateral coordination aimed at preventing critical epidemiological situations in the future? Another equally important question is what are the scenarios for overcoming the imminent global economic crisis arising as a consequence of the necessary emergency containment measures?

Obviously, given the current level of global linkages, movement and general interdependence, the response can no longer be limited to narrowly specialized sanitary-epidemiological coordination – instead, it should be multilevel, involving political, economic, legal and information aspects.

The current crisis has shown that the mandate and mechanisms of the World Health Organization (WHO) are insufficient for the necessary coordination. Is it possible, given the changed reality and the imminent global economic crisis, to establish new rules of interaction and coordination among countries?

The Health Silk Road. Missed opportunities? New approaches?

The nature and speed with which the coronavirus is spreading around the planet, the difficulties that international organizations have encountered in obtaining information and accessing affected areas, have uncovered a lack of institutionalized information exchange systems, even in sensitive areas such as sanitary and epidemiology.

In a situation where there is no vaccine (according to various forecasts, a confirmed and tested drug may appear within 10-12 months at earliest), the threat of new waves of the epidemic remains imminent. For example, Japan and Singapore have already been affected by the second wave of infections. Almost all countries affected by the coronovirus are preparing the population for the prospect of a long-term "cohabitation" with the virus and the development of new socio-cultural and behavioral norms.

Once the domestic situation has been more or less stabilized and national health care systems, economies and society as a whole have developed models of existence under the long-term threat of a pandemic, the time will come to review the relationships between countries, including their interaction during the post Covid-19 crisis. Already today, international experts are asking questions: what will happen to the international division of labour? What should the supply chain expect? What changes will international trade undergo? How will the regime for international financial transactions change? Does the world expect "deglobalization"?

Certainly, one of the most pressing needs in light of a permanent potential threat of the virus will be the establishment of a multilateral system of coordination between countries on health issues. Only a constant exchange of reliable sanitary-epidemiological information and coordination of measures will allow for relatively stable international relations and functional socio-economic "transactions".

China’s leaders have intented to take a step in this direction after the country had overcome ita critical period of the epidemic. This was followed by flows of medical equipment and other protective supplies to the rest of the world including countries in Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa. Delegations of Chinese doctors were dispatched to places with a difficult epidemiological situation to share their experiences.

The Chinese leadership announced that the package of measures is at the heart of the Health Silk Road Programme, which in turn is an important part of China's global "Belt and Road Initiative", or as it is called the "New Silk Road".

The theme of multilateral cooperation in the field of healthcare under the "Belt and Way Initiative" was first mentioned in 2015 in the three-year plan "Exchange and Cooperation on Health, 2015-2017".

The main idea of the project was the modernization of the global health system. It included strategic medium and long-term goals of crucial importance in current times, such as the creation of a communication platform in the field of health, development of health forums at the intergovernmental level as well as the development of multilateral mechanisms for the prevention and control of infection diseases.

The global health communications platform is the most relevant task in current times. Given the rapid spread of infections and the unpredictability of the epidemiological situation, access to and exchange of reliable information related to the outbreak is critical. The lack of uniform standards, norms of conduct and exchange of information under the threat of a pandemic, as demonstrated by the example of the non-admission of representatives of the World Health Organization to affect area of Wuhan, China, can have tragic consequences for all countries.

For what reason did most Western countries refuse to join the Chinese Health Silk Road Initiative five years ago? In the opinion of many experts, the initiative lacked a well-defined concept and international standards necessary in order to gain international legitimacy and engage other countries, especially Western ones. The document was too densely filled with appeals for the strategic strengthening China's global weight and influence.

Is it possible and under what conditions to revive the Chinese initiative of the global system of cooperation in health care?

If it were possible to overcome the "china-centricity" of this initiative, which has traditionally been rejected by Western countries, and develop clear rules based on international standards, the model of multilateral cooperation based on the historical ties of the Silk Road could become a symbol of balanced participation and dialogue between the "generalized West" and the "generalized East".

Such a model may also be in demand in a post-pandemic period, when focusing on how to overcome the economic crisis, restore economic growth, create jobs and restore broken economic ties. According to the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund, the world’s GDP will decline by 3 percent in 2020, which is far worse than the backlash of the 2008 financial crisis (-0.1). According to the IMF chief economist, Gita Gopinath, should the pandemic continue and the decline of the world economy exceed 8 percent in 2021, the International Labour Organization predicts that 25 million people could lose their jobs.

The forthcoming crisis is predicted to be much harsher than the 2008 financial crisis. It is worth mentioning that it was through the coordinated actions of governments of developed and developing states that the world economy managed to recover in a fairly short period of time. China's contribution to the overall basket of country stimulus measures proved to be very impressive, totalling up to $563 billion in financial injections.

This time it is still unclear whether the measures taken in the sphere of monetary and fiscal policy will be coordinated.

The New Silk Road and international norms. The role of the OSCE PA

As epidemiological conditions improve in most countries, the number of people infected decreases and governments relax quarantine-related measures, the concerns about the socio-economic crisis triggered by the pandemic and the fight against it have become more visible.

While major governments are focusing on domestic health security and citizens' socio-economic priorities, global coordination and joint crisis management have been extensively discussed in virtual format by international organizations (IOs).

For example, the United Nations has presented a «Road Map for the immediate socio-economic response to Covid-19». The UN has identified three «cornerstones of the response». The first is the Solidarity Response Fund (a WHO initiative established in March to finance the fight against the coronavirus). The second is the UN plan for a global humanitarian response to the pandemic. The third is the implementation of the UN socio-economic recovery plan.

The important role of parliamentarians in building a system of social trust during the Covid-19 crisis was discussed at the online meeting of the Bureau of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA). The meeting emphasized that in the difficult period of restricted movement, every effort should be made to continue the work of the OSCE PA as an important multilateral platform, including coordination between the legislative and executive branches of government.

The experience of the past years has shown that the OSCE PA is not only a representative multilateral forum uniting parliamentary delegations from 57 countries on the axis from Vancouver to Vladivostok, but provides effective tools to contribute to solving specific political and socio-economic problems. Among the important functions are to organize the monitoring and observation of elections, to participate in resolving local conflicts, to mitigate migration crises, to prevent terrorist threats, and to fight corruption and cyberthreats.

It should be noted that not so long ago an interesting interdisciplinary body was formed within the OSCE PA. On the initiative of 17 delegations of the OSCE PA member states in Minsk, a Silk Road Support Group (SRG) was established under the OSCE PA in July 2017. Today, the Group includes 25 delegations representing Western and Eastern Europe, South-West and Central Asia.

Both the Group's leaders and delegations members have consistently emphasized that the Group is not a "promoter" of China's Belt and Road Initiative, but aims to create a representative, legitimate communication platform for the exchange of information and experience among the delegations of countries interested in developing multilevel cooperation between West and East based on the symbolic model of the historical Silk Road. It should also be noted that China, not being a member of the OSCE PA, is thus not a member of the SRG.

Within the framework of the Group's activities and upon initiative of the delegations of the OSCE PA member states, conferences were organized in Baku, Vienna, Minsk and Andermatt (Switzerland). At each of these conferences, the host country tried not only to demonstrate its own investment potential and economic advantages, but also to identify its national "New Silk Road", with which it could later be integrated into the global Eurasian initiative.

It is noteworthy that all of the past conferences were attended by representatives of the executive branch at the level of ministers of foreign affairs and economy, as well as by heads of big national companies. This shows that most countries, including Western Europe, are not opposed to the New Silk Road and are interested in creating global channels of interaction between Europe and Asia so long as those are founded on terms of equality and non-discrimination.

The role of a so-called "guarantor" could be assumed by the SRG OSCE PA, focusing on the creation of mechanisms for multilateral coordination, monitoring, and regular exchange of information on the organization of interdisciplinary events involving representatives of the executive and legislative branches of government, businesses, and the expert community.

The OSCE PA, as an organization with experience in monitoring processes, broad multiparty representation, the ability to influence international public opinion as well as the decision-making of executive authorities through parliamentary mechanisms, is best suited for this role.

The predicted severe and long-lasting crisis of the world economy will require new non-standard intercountry instruments and channels of interaction between different regions of the world. The renewed "New Silk Road" may become one of the models of multilateral cooperation, offering a new agenda of economic and socio-cultural relations between the so-called developed and developing countries.

With the Participation of Alexandra Furio, University of St. Gallen
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Владимир Путин направил приветствие участникам V Международного арктического форума
Президент пожелал всем успешной и плодотворной работы на полях Форума
Мнения экспертов
Ирина Елисеева
Старший преподаватель УЦ «ФИНАМ»
Михаил Петрушин
Генеральный директор ООО «Зиракс»
Валерий Джермакян
КТН, советник, ООО «Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры»
Ярослав Кабаков
Ректор УЦ «ФИНАМ»
Андрей Сапунов
Старший инвестиционный консультант ИК «ФИНАМ»
Ждан Шакиров
Старший преподаватель УЦ «ФИНАМ»
"Оборонно-промышленный комплекс РФ" "Диверсификация" "Российская муниципальная практика" "Русский инженер" "Объединенное машиностроение"
Оборонно-промышленный комплекс РФ
Российская муниципальная практика
Русский инженер
Объединенное машиностроение
"Вестник Трубопроводных Технологий" "Машиностроение РФ" Международный проект "RADIOFRONT" Общероссийский
"Russian Energy & Technology Guide"
Вестник Трубопроводных Технологий
 Машиностроение РФ
Специальный международный проект Radiofront
Общероссийский научно-популярный журнал «РАДИОФРОНТ»
Russian Energy & Technology Guide
"Иннопром" "Russian Aviation & Military Guide" "Российско-Турецкий деловой журнал"
Russian Aviation & Military Guide
Российско-Турецкий деловой журнал
"Высокоточные комплексы" "High-Precision Weapons" "Industrial Weekly" "Ударник" "Актуальная энергетика"
Высокоточные комплексы
High-Precision Weapons
Industrial Weekly
Актуальная энергетика
"Уралмаш Нефтегазовое Оборудование Холдинг" "Energy Russia" "Золотое перо России"
Уралмаш Нефтегазовое Оборудование Холдинг
Energy Russia
Золотое перо России
"MILEX" "NAIS" "Диверсификация" "ЭкваТэк" "ВэйстТэк"
Show-daily Диверсификация
Show-daily ЭкваТэк
Show-daily ВэйстТэк
"АРМИЯ" "MAKS" "ИНТЕРПОЛИТЕХ" "Комплексная безопасность" "RUBAE"
Show-daily АРМИЯ
Show-daily MAKS
Комплексная безопасность
Show-daily RUBAE
Show-daily PAP-FOR
Show-daily РМЭФ
Show-daily ЖКХ России
Show-daily СТТ Экспо
"АГРОРУСЬ" "CeMAT RUSSIA" "ПМГФ" "Морской конгресс" "Российский промышленник"
Show-daily АГРОРУСЬ
Show-daily CeMAT RUSSIA
Show-daily ПМГФ
Show-daily Морской конгресс
Show-daily Российский промышленник
"Военно-морской салон" "НЕВА" "МТК" "EXPO"
Show-daily МВМС
Show-daily Международная выставка НЕВА
Show-daily Международный технологический конгресс
Show-daily EXPO
Industrial Daily:
Industrial Daily ИННОПРОМ
Industrial Daily ЭКСПО-Астана
Industrial Daily Интерполитех
Книги и брошюры:
10 лет АО «НПО
«Высокоточные комплексы»
От мечты к подвигу»
125-летию Мао Цзэдуна
- Е.А. Федосов»
История Корпорации
Валерий Стольников
Сто стихов
70 лет системе ВТС России
Канаты Марата Хальфина
Металл Фото Арт Фестиваль промышленной фотографии Московский клуб промышленных журналистов Премия имени Никиты Кириченко
Московский клуб промышленных журналистов
Московский клуб промышленной журналистики.
Учредитель и издатель:
ООО «Редакция газеты «Промышленный еженедельник». Издание зарегистрировано в Министерстве Российской Федерации по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовой информации.
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Индекс для подписчиков:
Подписной индекс в электронном каталоге Почты России - П7282.
Корпоративная подписка:
Организуется для корпоративных подписчиков путем заключения прямых договоров с редакцией.
Адрес для корреспонденции:
123104, Москва, а/я 29,
«Промышленная редакция»
Телефоны редакции:
+7 (495) 505-76-92
+7 (495) 729-39-77
Интернет: www.promweekly.ru
E-mail: doc@promweekly.ru
Промышленный еженедельник
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